Anywhere Cam provided me the ability to view my property from anywhere in the world on my phone. It gives me a greater sense of security, because if anything happens- I will have surveillance for the next steps. There is a great sense of comfort in knowing that I can see what’s going on.

I like the clarity, the ease of use, the multi-directional camera, the low maintenance aspect of solar-powered security cameras, and using cell service instead of wifi/home or satellite internet. It’s so convenient!

My property is in a rural area without high-speed internet, and satellite internet was too expensive. The trail cameras did not have the capabilities that I wanted and I didn’t want to have to change batteries every few months. Anywhere Cam provided the video surveillance solution that I needed. I didn't have to look further than these outdoor security cameras.

I installed it in less than 10 minutes on the barn, with over a 180-degree view of the property, from the entry road to the main house to the far right of the house.


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